WOW! What a crazy first 4 months of the year. I've been so so so busy with teaching and everything around here that I don't have time for much else anymore. Nothing overly exciting has happened around here...Zach and I are enjoying living together and having our own little family of 4 with our fur babies. No plans for anything else soon! :)
Topsail Island, NC |
Spring break is this week, and we're headed to the beach in a few hours. I would have been down there sooner, but being a first year teacher I have no time to take I had to work Monday and Tuesday. No biggie. I got my classroom organized and ready for the last leg of school, and i'm excited! Hopefully I will be able to start from scratch in August next year--I'm excited about all of the possibilities of having my own class for an entire year! I just have to keep my fingers crossed that there will be enough money in the budget for me to keep my job. I'll tell you, it's scary not knowing whether or not you'll have a job next year. I have to start paying off my student loans right after school lets out for the summer and it's tough because I won't have a paycheck coming in until at least August. I just know that I have to be optimistic and keep my head up. I love where I work, I love my job, and I hope to be back next year.
Lowes Home Improvement (Sanford NC)
was leveled by the storms on Saturday |
On Saturday, North Carolina had the worst weather it has seen since 1984. We knew that it was going to be pretty bad and that there was a threat of a tornado, but we've never seriously seen one so I didn't think it was that big of a threat. We took my car to the dealership to get two new tires and an alignment Saturday morning. They were supposed to call when it was ready, so we just came home and relaxed. Our cable is messed up, so we don't get a very good signal sometimes, but we were keeping up with the weather on my blackberry and Zach's iPad as we went about our day. By 2:45 Saturday afternoon, the sky looked like it was about to fall. We hunkered down in the bathroom for about an hour while the worst of the storm passed here in Cary, and we were lucky enough to only get some flying debris and really heavy rain. Throughout the day, there were 62 tornadoes spawned in North Carolina, causing many deaths and tons of destruction. One hit right in the middle of downtown Raleigh, about 15 minutes away from our house! Many prayers and thoughts go out to those who were devastated by the weather on Saturday. A state of emergency was declared in NC, and many counties are now receiving federal assistance to help clean up after the disaster.

I had my first eye appointment since I don't remember when yesterday. I've been having trouble focusing on things after reading or watching the computer, so I wanted to go get it checked out. Turns out, I'm farsighted. My muscles have to work extra hard to focus on something when it's close up, so when I glance up at something farther away, my eyes don't want to relax as fast as they should. The solution? Reading glasses. I've never had glasses a day in my life, but now i'll have to deal with them forever. But hey, it could be worse, right? I could be blind! I feel blessed knowing that it's minor and not major.
I've also got my first dermatologist appointment this afternoon... I've had a funky patch of dry skin on my left hand since December. It started out as what I thought was a bug bite, and now has turned into a huge patch that almost takes up the entire back of my hand. I put anti-fungal cream on it because that's what the pharmacist at Target thought it was, but when I went in for my physical on Monday (I've been to see all of my doctors this week), the doctor said it looked like eczema. It itches like crazy and turns really red sometimes and then some days (like today, of course) it's fine. Just really dry. Let's pray that it's nothing more major than a fungus or eczema!
I have to go finish packing and putting clean clothes in the dryer before I head off for my appointment...and soon after that we're island bound! Toodles :)