Friday, November 25, 2011

ABC's of me!

I've seen a couple of people (namely Ashley and Laura) do this, and I figured since I'm procrastinating on writing lesson plans and trying to enjoy my relaxing weekend, I'd particiapte too!

The ABC's of me!

B. BED SIZE: Queen

C. CHORE YOU HATE: Folding laundry. I'm a pro at washing them and putting them in the dryer, but I'll leave them in the dryer for DAYS and turn the dryer on multiple times before I actually fold them.

D. DOG'S NAME: Gatsby. Technically, he's boyfriend's dog, but I claim his as mine :)

E. ESSENTIAL "START THE DAY" coffee. I can't be okay without it. I've been drinking 2 cups a day now that we're on vacation for a few days.


G. GOLD OR SILVER: silver, definitely. Even if it's white still looks silver!

H. HEIGHT: 5'3"

I. INSTRUMENTS YOU PLAY: i TRIED to play the piano for a little while...yeah, that didn't really work out for me.

J. JOB: third grade teacher.

K. KIDS: ...I teach 23 of them every week!

L. LIVING ARRANGEMENTS: boyfriend and I live in a 3 bedroom house that he owns.

M. MOM'S NAME: Penny

N. NICKNAME: ...I don't really have any.

O. OVERNIGHT HOSPITAL STAY: none, thank goodness! Was almost admitted for kidney stones when I was 17, but luckily I got out of it.

P. PET PEEVE: Dirty dishes in the sink. An unmade bed. Rude children.

Q. QUOTE FROM A MOVIE: too many to count...


S. SIBLINGS: One younger sissy who looks the same age as me...and she's only 14 (almost 15...only a few more weeks)!

T. TIME YOU WAKE UP: During the week my alarm is set for 6:25. I'm usually at school by 7:30.  Assembly's are on Mon and Wed, so I don't have to be in the gym until 8. Every other day they're in my room at 7:45.

U. UNDERWEAR: Victoria's Secret. I just took advantage of the 7 for 25 sale or whatever it was. yeahhhh.

V. VEGGIE YOU DISLIKE. I hate brussel sprouts and spinach. Most others are okay with me. Except sweet potatoes. Are those a vegetable?

W. WAYS/REASONS YOU ARE LATE: Either the dog poops on the floor while boyfriend is out of town, my Keurig isn't working, I decide to stop at Starbucks, I'm depending on boyfriend (who will be late for our own wedding) or traffic gets me.

X. XRAYS YOU'VE HAD: Teeth, kidneys.

Y. YUMMY FOOD YOU MAKE: I'm pretty good at baking. Otherwise, I'm not so great. I make some pretty mean cinnamon rolls and chicken pot pie.

Z. ZOO ANIMALS YOU LIKE: girafffes!!!

Thursday, November 24, 2011

It's Okay...Turkey Style

Happy Turkey Day, everyone! This year I'm thankful to have many, MANY blessings in my life, including a wonderful family, an incredible boyfriend, and a great job. We're taking a break from all the food for a while, so I thought I'd link up with Neely for It's Okay Thursday!

It's okay to eat entirely too much and not feel guilty about it.

It's okay to leave jewelry magazines laying around the house just so boyfriend will get the hint...

....and it's also okay to purposely flip through those magazines when he's in the room so you can start a conversation about what kind of rings you like.

It's okay to scrub your entire house spotless just because your mom is coming to stay while you're out of town.

It's okay to feel extremely, extremely blessed.

It's okay to NOT want to go back to work on Monday.

It's okay to not think about lesson plans, workshop plans, or anything school related for a few days.

and finally...

It's okay to care less about black Friday and think that people are NUTS for going out shopping. I'll pay a few more dollars to not wait in those lines, thank you.

Wednesday, November 23, 2011

What I'm loving

Today is Wednesday, and I'm on Thanksgiving why not link up with Jamie for What I'm Loving Wednesday?!

I'm loving that we're headed to the beach in a few hours to spend time with my family!

I'm loving that this week was a one day week...much needed.

I'm loving this beautiful weather we're having!

I'm loving that my mom is wonderful, and graciously agreed to stay at our house with the pets this weekend so we don't have to board them.

I'm loving that I got a few Christmas to decorate the house with...this will be our first Christmas living together, so I'm trying to convince boyfriend to go all out!
Our first piece of Christmas :)

I'm loving that boyfriend is such a trooper and helped me clean the house last night/this morning so my OCD will be satisfied.

And just like every other day and for every day to come,
I'm loving my sweet, wonderful, amazing boyfriend

Saturday, November 12, 2011

Lack of Motivation and headaches.

I've lost my motivation...the ending of Daylight Savings Time has made me bonkers, and I've been going to bed at 8:45 every night for the last week. It's been a pretty lazy few weeks here in our home...

Boyfriend went on a business trip at the end of October, so I was alone in our house for the first time overnight. He was gone for four nights, and I was pretty sick/stressed/tired while he was gone. Once he got home, everything went back to normal! Funny how those things work...

Our Halloween was pretty low key. We went to my aunt and uncle's for dinner (my uncle makes the best chili), and I got to hold Riley girl.

A few weeks ago, boyfriend accomplished a big feat--he paid off his student loans! I took him out for sushi to celebrate, and then we went to Trader Joe's to grocery shop. A wonderful date night. :)

This week I have been struggling with headaches EVERY.SINGLE.DAY. I'm not sure if it's sinuses or my eyes or what, but I'm getting tired of it. They started last Friday and haven't stopped. My worst one was last Saturday--we were supposed to go out with friends to watch football, but my head hurt pretty bad, so I stayed while boyfriend went out. I went most of the day today without one for the first time, but in the last hour or so, I've started to feel one coming on. Usually it lets up when I wear my glasses, but I have them on right now and it's getting worse. If they don't get better this week I'm going to call my doctor!

That's pretty much it around here...this week is a full week at school, and then the next week is a ONE day week before Thanksgiving! We'll be heading to the beach Wednesday-Sunday to be with my family. I'm pretty excited! Knowing what is just around the corner, I'm sure this week will drag by...oh man.

Time to take some medicine and try to kick this headache! Toodles.