Thursday, December 29, 2011

It's Okay

Happy Thursday! Winter break is only halfway over...and i've already read two books, cleaned the house, returned all of my items that didn't fit from Christmas, and spent too many hours lounging in bed. What am I going to do with myself for 6 more days?! :) 

Today, I'm linking up with Neely for It's Okay Thursday!
It's okay... spend a ridiculous amount of time curled up in bed reading a book go shopping multiple times in one week just because you CAN be ridiculously excited about my J Crew purchases that are supposed to be delivered today also be really excited about my print that I won from A Girl in Pearls through Mrs. Monologues' Holiday giveaways!! become impatient about certain things really wish people would stop asking you about those certain things because then it makes you even MORE impatient think irrationally for a few hours about giving your cat away after he chews things BRAND NEW CHRISTMAS PRESENTS up.

I'm off to shower and find yet another new book to read...I hope everyone is enjoying the last few days of 2011. Here's to 2012!

Friday, December 23, 2011

Here comes Santa Clause, Here comes Santa Clause...

Hello, bloggy friends! I'm sorry i've been so slack lately. School was NUTS after Thanksgiving, with trying to squeeze the last few units in, benchmark testing, and holiday celebrations.

Now that I've finally gotten a break, I'm sick again. I started feeling icky on Wednesday night after I got home from school [hit me like a truck], and yesterday I woke up feeling like there were knives in my throat. I wrapped a few presents, had a lunch date with boyfriend, finished my shopping, and by that time...i was finished. I came home to find white spots forming in my throat and my temperature up to 99.5. Great. I finished wrapping our presents and proceeded to spend the rest of the evening wrapped up in the blanket and whining not doing anything. Thankfully, I have antibiotics from two weeks ago when they THOUGHT I had strep...but it turned out not to be. Guess they knew it would come back with a vengance!

Today I'm feeling a little better, thanks to the miracle of medicine. I'm going to shower and have lunch with boyfriend (poor thing has to work today), and then hopefully get the house cleaned before we head out of town to see his mom for the night. Tomorrow, we'll come back into town in time to get showers and head to my mom's. We always have a crazy busy few days during Christmas...this year, we've decided to hold off on exchanging presents until Christmas day after everything else is finished and calmed down. It was boyfriends idea, and I love the fact that he thinks that it should be a private time for us. :)

I need to shower...lots to do! I hope you enjoy your holiday as much as we will!

Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Sometimes and Always...

Today, I'm linking up with Megan from Mackey Madness for Sometimes and Always. I love her blog, and I'm so glad she finally made this a link up! :) goes nothin'!

Sometimes: I want to lay in bed for hours after my alarm goes off.
Always: I get out of bed and go to work anyway.

Sometimes: I consider not taking a shower and using dry shampoo instead.
Always: I get up anyway and take a shower because I won't wake up if I don't.

Sometimes: I want to quit my job and be lazy at home.
Always: I thank God for providing me with an awesome opportunity to give underprivileged children an education.

Sometimes: I want to take a sick day, knowing that I have a terrible cold/cough.
Always: I realize that a sick day is more work than it's worth.

Sometimes: I feel like my temper gets the best of me when my students are misbehaving.
Always: I reflect and think about how I could have changed my behavior so that in turn, theirs might have changed as well.

Sometimes: I feel like punting my cat across the yard after he chews things up.
Always: I just shake my head and say "you better be glad I love you".

Sometimes: I want to be married already.
Always: I end up super glad we are enjoying our time as boyfriend and girlfriend. 
[I swear, I could stare at that handsome man all day...doesn't matter what his title is. ;)]


...can you tell I'm a little overwhelmed and really ready for Christmas break? I'll be so thankful for a few weeks off!

There are less than two weeks until Christmas...and I'm really excited! Boyfrind and I get to *hopefully* squeeze in visits with all three families this year (his mom, my mom, my dad), and we both have the week between Christmas and New Years off. It will be really nice to have some uninterrupted time together.