Monday, January 30, 2012

Best Date Ever

In honor of Valentine's Day...I'm going to participate in the Valentine's Day challenge that Neely and Amber are hosting!

Today's topic: Best Date Ever

Every date that boyfriend and I go on is wonderful...beyond amazing. He's the love of my life, and I think that we could seriously sit and stare at each other for hours and it would be the best date ever. date trumps them all. It was the date that I realized I was falling in love with him, it was the weekend that would change my life for the better...forever.

On our second date, boyfriend took me to see Michael Buble in concert.
I was living in Greensboro at the time, and I casually mentioned that I had heard that Michael would be in Raleigh that weekend and that I would LOVE to go to the concert. At this point I was pretty smitten with boyfriend, and he graciously offered to buy tickets for the concert.

I believe this was on a Wednesday (the day after our first date), and the concert was on a Friday. I had been planning to go to Raleigh for the weekend anyway to watch my sister show her horse, so it worked out perfectly! It gave me a place to stay for the weekend and an excuse to see the boy that I was slowly quickly falling in love with.

I drove to Raleigh to meet boyfriend at his house after he got off of work. We had planned to go to Bonefish Grill for dinner, but the wait was way too long, so we ended up grabbing subs for dinner and heading to the concert (romantic, right?). The concert was fabulous. We had floor seats in the RBC center, and at one point I was only a mere 10 feet away from Michael. I almost touched his hand! *swoon*

After the concert, we decided to grab a bottle of wine and head back to boyfriend's house. A horrible storm had brewed while we were in the concert, so of COURSE it was too dangerous for me to drive back to my mom's house in that weather. Sounds like something out of a movie, right? ;-)

I was supposed to leave Saturday morning to go to the fairgrounds and wach my sister and then go back to Greensboro Saturday night...but he ended up going with me on Saturday so that he could meet my parents, and I ended up spending the ENTIRE weekend in Raleigh. I headed back to Greensboro Sunday afternoon for work...

At that point, I knew that this boy had left a LARGE impact on my life in such a short time. I actually ended up making the decision to move home the NEXT day (Monday), instead of waiting a few months like I had planned. Not only could I be closer to him, but I could be closer to my family, and I had the opportunity to get out of a bad situation that I was in...and...well...the rest is history. Here we are almost 19 months later. :)

See, I told you that one date changed my entire life.

Saturday, January 28, 2012

Sometimes, it's the little things...

Sometimes, the little things in life make me smile. 
For example...
  • Treating myself to a new pair of shoes at Target because my observation went well.
  • filing my taxes and seeing a WONDERFUL number...almost enough to get my car paid off!

  • A half day on Friday and no school on Monday (even if it's a workday).
  • A day to spend with mom and sis while boyfriend is at home "working" (sort of).

Thursday, January 26, 2012

Hooray for Thursday! Tomorrow is a half day and I couldn't be more excited. Of course I'm linking up with Neely for It's Okay Thursday today!

It's okay...
To be really, really, really excited about Valentine's Day. We're going to Ruth's Chris for the first time and I'm really excited!

To wish you could participate in Wacky Tacky day with your students...they're really into it, and I would be too if they would let us! Last year my kids weren't into it and and it made me really sad.

To be really sad that it hasn't ever really gotten cold this winter...we have had NO snow at all in NC and it's killing me. I just want a dusting...maybe an inch!!!

To be looking forward to a 3 1/2 day weekend.

To put off your grading for this weekend because of said weekend.

To put off mom's birthday shopping until the last minute...oops. February has really crept up on me!

To swear to yourself after EVERY Bachelor episode that you're done watching...but then to continue to watch just for the drama.

I'm looking forward to a long weekend of doing nothing except hanging out with the people I love. This week has been pretty okay, minus a few situations on Wednesday. Lots of visitors have been in our building and it's a little nerve wracking, but I've gotten to the point where I'm not as stressed about it anymore. I know I'm doing my job to the best of my ability, and if they don't like it, then so be it. There. End rant.

I hope you all have a fabulous weekend! We've had some gorgeous weather here in NC over the last few weeks...and even though I'm disappointed that we haven't had any snow, I love days where we can wear no coats out to recess. Today was one of those days...dress and leggings weather! :)

Wednesday, January 25, 2012

What I'm Loving...

Hooray for Wednesday! :)

I haven't linked up in a while!

Today I'm loving...
That there's only a day and a half left in the week. A much needed break is coming!

That boyfriend is currently creeping over my shoulder and watching me blog (yes, I hope he reads this)!

That I've sat here and watched Toddlers and Tiaras for an hour...I think I might have a problem.

That we've cooked dinner at home for 6 nights in a row. Yeah for saving money!

The gorgeous weather we've been having lately...even if I do want to see some snow eventually.

However, I'm NOT loving the fact that my teeth hurt. Badly. Or the fact that the pets basically had WW3 today. Or that I had two kids cause a scene in the hallway today. Oh well, one day at a time, right?

Almost 9:00...yep, I think it's bedtime! :)

Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Sometimes and Always...

Happy Tuesday, my friends! I'm linking up with Megan today for Sometimes and Always!

Sometimes I hate taking the cat to the vet...he's embarassing.
Always I buy him a toy for behaving afterward.

Sometimes I hate cooking dinner.
Always I'm really glad I'm learning how to cook!

Sometimes I wait a really long time to fold the clothes that I washed.
Always I hate that they're wrinkled from sitting in the basket. 

Sometimes I want to go back to college.
Always I remember that I'm an adult with a big girl job actually making money now.

Sometimes I wish we could move to California NOW.
Always I remember how many moments I would miss if we don't wait those three years that we need to.

Sometimes I regret dropping my after school tutoring job.
Always I remember that I did it for my sanity, and people don't look down on me for it.

and finally...

Sometimes during conferences I want to tell parents about their child's annoying behavior.
Always I bite my tongue and remember to be a sweet, loving teacher...and that those kids need me.

Looking forward to a half day on Friday and a workday on Monday! Hooray end of the quarter!

Sunday, January 22, 2012

My goal this week

  • don't let little things stress you out.
  • come home before 5:00 at least three nights.
  • plan at least half of next week before Friday.

...and most of all...

remember to breathe

Thursday, January 19, 2012

It's Okay...

It's been a rough know it's bad when a SHORT week is a rough week. Oh well. In the last few days I've learned who and WHAT I do and do not need in my life. So, i'm linking up with Neely today for It's Okay Thursday! So, without further adieu...

In the last few days, I've learned that It's Ok (personally).... come home to your boyfriend and vent/angry cry for an hour. let certain things bother you, because apparently they SHOULD. not understand how some people live their lives they way that they do. twitter rant about certain things. be so angry that you want to scream. But to cry instead. not be ashamed of the fact that you can love a pet like a child.

and in the working world, i've learned that It's ok....(professionally) not let angry parents squish your dreams! stop trying to be such a perfectionist. let things go to the wayside sometimes, for sake of your sanity.

Thankfully, tomorrow is Friday. And I have a whole weekend of NOTHING planned. :)

Friday, January 6, 2012

18 months ago today...

...I remember being a nervous wreck while trying to decide what to wear.
(Do I wear pants or a dress? Do I wear my hair curly? Or go with straight? Shit, my straightener broke last week. Curly it is. I hate my hair curly. It was straight last time I saw him. Maybe he's going to think I'm not cute now.)
...I remember trying on 15 different outfits and texting my best friend to see which one she liked best.
(Turns out her phone was off...oh, that's why you never texted me back. Oops)
...I remember getting in the car REALLY early because I was so anxious to have dinner.
(I should have known right then and there that it was going to work out...because he was even earlier than I was)
...I remember almost getting into a wreck trying to find a parking spot because my mind kept wandering.
(What if he doesn't like me after all? What if I make a fool of myself? What if he thinks i'm crazy?)
...I remember that I kept checking and re-checking my hair and makeup, making sure I looked "just right"
(I would learn that it doesn't matter what I looked like that night; he tells me I'm beautiful all the time anyway)
...and then I remember seeing him for the second first time. My heart skipped a beat. My palms got sweaty, and I almost tripped over myself, in true Katie fashion. There he was, my prince charming, standing on the corner waiting for me. I remember thinking that he was even more handsome than I previously remembered.

Our first date was the best first date I could have ever asked for. Drinks and dinner, followed by hours of talking laughing in the park. It kind of sounds like a fairy tale. Because, well, it is a fairy tale. At least in my eyes. I am a princess, and he is my prince.
 Who else can you spend hours sitting on a park bench talking with, besides your soul mate? Who else can make your heart literally skip a beat, besides your soul mate? Who else can you laugh about knocking tables over with and then run out of the restaurant laughing, besides your soul mate? Who else can you wake up to a text from the next morning saying "I can't wait to see you again", besides your soul mate?

nobody else, that's who.

Then, after that night, you will proceed to have the most incredible year and a half of your life with your soul mate....and you will be anxiously awaiting the day that you will be able to walk down the aisle and say "I do" to that same man you began to fall in love with on that night exactly a year and a half ago. The same man you keep falling in love with over and over again, every day of your life.

Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Sometimes and Always

Oh, last day of Winter I cherish you. It's almost 10:00 and I'm already finished planning. Now I just have to decide whether it's worth it to go up and copy things for this week or not. hmm. Today is the coldest day since February 2011! The high is 37 with wind ALL day. HOLY OLD MAN WINTER.

Anyway, anyway...moving on. Today I'm linking up with Megan at Mackey Madness for Sometimes and Always!

Sometimes: I just want to stay bundled up in my blanket and watch trashy TV all day.
Always: I know I have responsibilities, and I will get up and shower anyway.

Sometimes: I feel like I'm not doing a great job at being a good teacher.
Always: Someone gives me a reality check and reminds me that I am a great teacher.

Sometimes: I want to go crazy and spend all of my money at the mall on pretty things.
Always: I realize I have bills to pay and have to stick to a budget.

Sometimes: I want to change the channel when boyfriend is watching something i don't want to watch
Always: I realize that I just enjoy spending time with matter what we're watching

Sometimes: I get impatient waiting for certain things to come...
Always: I know that it will eventually come when the time is right, and that I'm incredibly happy where I am right now.
I suppose I'll get my act together and go take a shower now...the responsible side of me says that I KNOW I need to go to school and make copies. Man.