Since when is it the MIDDLE of December? I'm almost positive that yesterday was like...July. Okay, maybe not. But it doesn't seem like I should be graduating college tomorrow. And Christmas surely isn't next it?!
November started off with a trip to Davie Co to see friends and Zach's mom the first weekend of the month. We froze our butts off at a bonfire on Saturday night--but we were in good company so the weather didn't bother us much. If I had known then that it was going to be as cold as it is now, I wouldn't have been complaining about the weather then! It's always nice to see good friends, and I got to see Katy one more time before she had her baby. We stayed with Zach's mom that night and the next day we went to their family reunion. I got to meet some of his distant family. :)
My weeks were filled with homework and substitute teaching, writing papers and preparing for finals. I stay in Cary most nights, but come home on Tuesday nights to get my weekly dose of my family and kitty. I'm moving in with Zach for good in a few weeks, and I can't wait to have kitty living with me full time's like losing custody of your kid, except not really. He's just been living with grandma for a little while.
Speaking of school and finals--I'M FINISHED! I finished up classes (and three of my finals) in the first week of December, and finished my last two online finals last weekend. Four of my five grades are in, and they're all A's! I'm just waiting on one more--guaranteed to be no less than a B. Looks like I'm going to make Dean's List again and graduate with a 3.35 GPA. Not quite cum laude, but it'll do just fine. Now instead of spending my weeknights reading for school or working on papers, I spend my nights reading or doing whatever I want's been really weird adjusting to all this free time, but I'm not complaining. I love being able to read for fun again. It's also made me want to work more often. While I was in school, I didn't really want to work on my days off because I was so swamped with schoolwork and other things...and with my job, I'm not on a certain schedule, I determine when I work and when I don't. But in the last two weeks when I haven't had class, I've wanted to work almost every day. I don't have anything else to do while everyone is at work, so why not?! I did treat myself to a day off today, and since graduation is tomorrow (just about 25 hours from now...), I'm officially on what I guess you could call "Christmas vacation" from work.
To attempt to recover from the crazy couple of months Zach and I have had, we decided to make November a very low key month--we're trying to concentrate on saving money and getting out of debt; we recognize that money is the #1 thing couples argue about and we're fighting against that. We haven't been going out to dinner at all unless we're out already or it's a special night. We're not spending frivolously, and we're watching our finances very carefully. I had to spend a TON of money on gas driving back and forth to Greensboro twice a week, but now that i'm finished with school, my weekly finances have dropped significantly. Not having a lot of money to work with has definitely helped me to reduce my budget every week--I could only work so much while I was in school! I'm so glad that we're focusing on fighting against the negative things that many people in relationships come across; we're planning to live happily ever after, regardless of what statistics say.
Since we're trying to save money, we've decided that (hopefully) every month we'll have one date night. Last month, we went to PF Changs and then to see the new Harry Potter movie. We haven't gone out for December yet, but because of all the excitement of graduation and Christmas getting ready to roll around, we might not make it out. It's wonderful to lay around the house and be lazy all day, but it's also nice to put on "real pants" and go out sometimes, too. I'm not one of those girls who has to be taken out on the town constantly to realize how much i'm loved. I love staying in and cooking dinner together most nights, although since we've both been under the weather off and on the last few weeks, we haven't been doing anything extravagant. In fact, we had soup twice last week. And that's perfectly okay with me. My relationship is not perfect--but it's perfect for me.
Thanksgiving brought many, many things to be thankful for. A wonderful set of family and friends, an amazing and loving boyfriend, almost a college degree, and lots of other things (i'm too lazy to sit here and list them all). The last 5 months have definitely been some of the greatest times of my life; I wouldn't change any of it for the world. I'm looking forward to Christmas, moving, and the new year--2011 is going to start off a whole new world of things for me; no school, a new home, hopefully a *real* job at some point, and finally being done with everything from my past and beginning to focus on the future. I think i'll go drink my coffee and think about just how wonderful life really is right now :)
Wednesday, December 15, 2010
Thursday, November 4, 2010
Holy October...Hello November!
Holy October, batman. Where did time go? I can't believe it's November already. We're three weeks away from Thanksgiving, six weeks away from my college graduation, and a mere seven weeks away from Christmas! I had a really busy October. I'll try to remember everything that's happened since the last time I updated.
Zach was on vacation for the first week in October, so I spent a whole week at home. It was nice to spend some time with my family, but by the end of the week I surely was ready for him to come home! I worked a few days to keep myself busy, made sure to do my schoolwork, and came down with a pretty nasty cold that week, too. Wednesday of that week was our three month anniversary, and I unexpectedly got a delivery of flowers! I was so sick that day--he's pretty wonderful, if I do say so myself.

Katy's baby shower was the same day that Zach was flying home--so I headed to Mocksville that morning, stopped in Greensboro to have lunch with a friend, and then finally made it to the shower, albeit a little late. It was wonderful to see all of my friends together for the first time since the wedding in June. I stayed up until the very last possible minute that I could, and headed to the airport to get Zach. Waiting in that airport seemed like the l o n g e s t hour of my life, but finally he was home! We went back home and relaxed for the rest of the weekend (besides going to dinner with my family on Sunday night)...the next week was going to be a busy one for me!
The next week was my fall break, and I had told my OSTE from student teaching that I would sub for her class three days that week. It made my heart happy to be back in my old classroom again. So many good memories! The class this year is great, but nobody will ever beat the class that we had. On Tuesday of the same week, Summer and I had professional pictures done by the wonderful Melissa Smith (check out her website) at the barn. We had an awesome time, I'm definitely going to her when it comes time for engagement and wedding pictures (not planning for the future or anything...).
That weekend was the start of the State Fair, and of course sissy was showing her horse. I LOVE, love, love the State Fair. I remember going every year as a child. There were a few years in college when I didn't get to go, but I was going to make it there no matter what this year. I found out that Zach had never been, and that gave me even more reason to go! We watched sissy show her horse ALL DAY on Saturday, and headed into the fair that night. We only rode two rides--the ferris wheel and the tilt-a-whirl. We were both more interested in the food (fried oreos, elephant ears, an italian sausage, real root beer, and ribbon fries...yes, just the two of us) and the exhibits than we were waiting in line for the rides. It was late and we were cold, too! I'm just thankful it was warm during the day and didn't get cold until that night. Sunday we woke up a little late (oops), but headed back to the Hunt complex to watch sissy ride again and then went home and were vegetables all night.
The weekdays are pretty boring for us--either working or going to school for me, and he works. The weekend after the fair, I had planned for us to have a Science Team reunion in Greensboro! There were a bunch of us at Katy's wedding in June, but I got to see some of my friends that I haven't seen since APRIL! After the fiasco of me locking my keys in my car and having to use Emily's AAA, we had a wonderful dinner together. Afterwards, I got to experience my first UFC fight when we went out with Megan. It's definitely interesting, that's for sure...
Zach was on vacation for the first week in October, so I spent a whole week at home. It was nice to spend some time with my family, but by the end of the week I surely was ready for him to come home! I worked a few days to keep myself busy, made sure to do my schoolwork, and came down with a pretty nasty cold that week, too. Wednesday of that week was our three month anniversary, and I unexpectedly got a delivery of flowers! I was so sick that day--he's pretty wonderful, if I do say so myself.
Katy's baby shower was the same day that Zach was flying home--so I headed to Mocksville that morning, stopped in Greensboro to have lunch with a friend, and then finally made it to the shower, albeit a little late. It was wonderful to see all of my friends together for the first time since the wedding in June. I stayed up until the very last possible minute that I could, and headed to the airport to get Zach. Waiting in that airport seemed like the l o n g e s t hour of my life, but finally he was home! We went back home and relaxed for the rest of the weekend (besides going to dinner with my family on Sunday night)...the next week was going to be a busy one for me!
The next week was my fall break, and I had told my OSTE from student teaching that I would sub for her class three days that week. It made my heart happy to be back in my old classroom again. So many good memories! The class this year is great, but nobody will ever beat the class that we had. On Tuesday of the same week, Summer and I had professional pictures done by the wonderful Melissa Smith (check out her website) at the barn. We had an awesome time, I'm definitely going to her when it comes time for engagement and wedding pictures (not planning for the future or anything...).
(The view from the top of the ferris wheel) |
after dinner in Greensboro |
Zach and I also decided that we wanted to head to the mountains on Sunday to watch the leaves change, so we booked a hotel room in Greensboro for Saturday after dinner and headed west first thing Sunday morning! First, we went straight down 40 to Boone. We stopped and had lunch at a cute little cafe, and walked through an antique store. Then we found the Blue Ridge Parkway and started down that way (up that way?). We stopped a few times, once by a lake. We hiked a 2.3 mile trail around the lake, stopping a few times just take in the beauty. It was absolutely breathtaking--the temperature was around 70 degrees and not a cloud was in the sky. We climbed to the top of a really sweet rock, and Zach insisted on taking my picture. We drove the entire parkway, all the way to Asheville! Times got a little scary toward the end, when we thought my car might run out of gas! Luckily, we were able to make it into Asheville and get gas. It was wonderful to just sit in the car and talk for hours as we drove through the mountains. That's one of my favorite things about our relationship--we do a lot of talking. I think that an important part of ANY good relationship is communication. Without communication, you can't have trust. And without trust, the relationship isn't going to be as good. Believe me, I know. Anyway, enough gloating about our wonderful relationship.
Last weekend was Halloween--and I was determined that we weren't going ANYWHERE. We had been on the go and completely booked for like 6 weekends in a row, so we camped out at home all weekend and planned to be vegetables. We haven't had a chance to sleep in on a Saturday in months, so that's just what we did. I also realized that I had an anthropology test to take by Saturday night, but lo and behold I didn't have my book with me in Cary. I had to go all the way home and get the book and go all the way back to Cary to take the test. Just a nuisance. I'm silly sometimes.
We love to do theme nights--so Saturday night we decided we would have Four Loko and Jersey Shore night. Neither of us had ever drank it before and wanted to see what all the hype was about--apparently it's referred to as "blackout-in-a-can". Let's just say it lives up to it's name. 23.5 measly little oz in one can that will MESS YOU UP. Not a good decision on our part. Never again. We were absolutely miserable on Sunday, which happened to be Halloween. We managed to get up, shower, put our sweatpants back on, and lay around all day until we finally decided to get up and get greasy burgers and soft drinks for dinner (the perfect cure for a hangover) I haven't been that miserable since a few years ago. We celebrated Halloween by grabbing Paranormal Activity on Netflix and waiting for trick-or-treaters--which we only had four of, by the way.
That brings us up to this week, which has been pretty low key. This weekend we're heading west yet again to spend the majority of the weekend in Davie Co! Stay tuned for more of our adventures...
Toodles! :)
Sunday, October 3, 2010
Catch up time...
Ah, so it's been a while since I've updated. I'll try to remember everything that's gone on since the last time I wrote.
Took my Praxis on the 18th of last month--I was very nervous going into the test, and even now I'm not sure how to feel about it. It was hard but I feel like I did a fairly good job. I find out on the 19th if I passed. If I did, I'll get my teaching license soon! If not, i'll have to take it again in November. Crossing my fingers that I don't have to take it again. We headed to Winston to have dinner and see a movie with some friends after I got done testing--it was nice to relax and not have to worry about anything. I love hanging out with Katy but she lives so far away that it's tough to see her more often--little Noah is due in about 6 weeks, I'm really excited! Her baby shower is next weekend, and all of our girlfriends should be back together again for the first time since the wedding in June. I'm excited!
Tyler came into town from NY with his friend Andrew last week, so I took advantage of the time he was there--we headed to Lois and Randy's on Tuesday night for dinner and Glee. We ended up not watching Glee, but sitting around and talking until we realized that it was almost time for bed. It's always wonderful to see him. I miss being able to call him and say "okay, we're hanging out!".
Last weekend, Zach and I headed to the beach. We've been really busy around here the last few months, and we both needed some time to get away and be alone. I knew we were going somewhere for the weekend, but he didn't tell me exactly where until Thursday night before we left. Friday, we headed to the Outer Banks after he got off of work. I had only been to the OBX once before for a whirlwind wedding trip, so I was very excited to see what it was all about! We arrived late, checked into our bed and breakfast (which was very charming and adorable, by the way), and headed back out for dinner. It was very late when we got back and we had been driving for 4 hours anyway, so we just headed to bed. Saturday the weather was beautiful, so we drove about 30 minutes south and laid out on the beach for a while. We had planned to go see some lighthouses, but we were so sandy (and i was wet) that we were miserable--bad planning on our part, I suppose. We headed to lunch near Hatteras and then turned around and went back to our B&B to get ready for the evening. We went to dinner at a cute little restaurant, where I was able to get the crab legs I had been craving since we arrived. After dinner, we headed back to our room to have a bottle of wine and retired for the night. Sunday, the weather was dreary and getting chilly, so we just decided to check out and head home. My family was having a birthday celebration that night anyway, so we went back to Cary and watched football for a little while before going to Durham. As always, fun times were had at the family gathering, and we played a really exciting game of Catchphrase. It's a family favorite. :)
I've finally gotten into the swing of things at school, being able to get everything done in time and keeping up with my online classes. We're midway through the semester, and right now I have all A's and B's. It's a good feeling knowing that I may make Dean's list again this semester. My goal is to graduate Cum Laude, but I'm not sure if I can pull my GPA from a 3.26 to a 3.5 in one semester. We'll see what happens! Midterms are this week and next week, so it's going to be a week of studying. I'm back to subbing in ABSS, and I've already picked up 6 days this month. It's my only source of income right now, since I'm no longer hosting at Tobacco Road. I'm in the process of applying for big girl jobs, finally!!!! I'm really hoping I can find one and start in January. Keeping my fingers crossed and praying every day.
This weekend was a fairly slow but exciting one. Friday night we didn't really do anything, I've been sort of under the weather this week anyway. We've gotten into a workout routine where we work out 3 times a week, which is really nice. I can already see the definition in my muscles forming. Saturday, I took sissy and her best friend Ashleigh to the Fox 50 Family Fest on the American Tobacco campus in Durham. We had a lot of fun running around and acting like kids again. We posed for pictures with the duck, met Greg Fishel, got to pet a skunk and an alligator, decorated a rubber duck, and made unicorn horns. All the money that

was raised went to a good cause. I donated mine to the Duke Children's Hospital. After I brought them back home, I headed back to Cary to watch football with boyfriend and then we headed to Raleigh for the Sugarland concert! We had made plans to go when we first heard about it, but then we decided with the beach trip and Zach's impending vacation this week, we weren't going to go, in order to save money. However, I managed to score two lawn tickets for $40 from a friend of mine. I couldn't pass them up. Thanks Lindsey!!!! It was Zach's first time at Walnut Creek; I've probably been 4 or 5 times in my childhood. Little Big Town and Sugarland put on a really great show--Jennifer Nettles is so animated in everything she does. We made a game of pointing out people that were doing amusing things...and boy were there a lot of them.
This morning was the day I've been dreading all week--the day that Zach left for vacation. I dropped him off at the airport this morning and I've been a big baby ever since. He's going to visit family--and although I hope he has a good time and enjoys time with his family, I miss him already! He'll come home on Saturday night just in time for me to get home from Katy's baby shower to pick him up from the airport. We've already been apart for a week once while I went to Vegas, but we had been dating for less than 2 weeks at that time so things were different. It's going to be a long week, but I'll stop whining and put my big girl pants on now. We celebrate our quarter of a year anniversary on Wednesday--it sounds like we've been together a lot longer than 3 months when you put it that way. Time is flying by! We've now been together longer than I have days until graduation (I'm a dork, I know).
Now it's time settle in for the night--I've got the Amazing Race and Desperate Housewives to watch, and then I have to get up at the crack of dawn in the morning. I'm subbing in 4th grade tomorrow. Toodles!
Took my Praxis on the 18th of last month--I was very nervous going into the test, and even now I'm not sure how to feel about it. It was hard but I feel like I did a fairly good job. I find out on the 19th if I passed. If I did, I'll get my teaching license soon! If not, i'll have to take it again in November. Crossing my fingers that I don't have to take it again. We headed to Winston to have dinner and see a movie with some friends after I got done testing--it was nice to relax and not have to worry about anything. I love hanging out with Katy but she lives so far away that it's tough to see her more often--little Noah is due in about 6 weeks, I'm really excited! Her baby shower is next weekend, and all of our girlfriends should be back together again for the first time since the wedding in June. I'm excited!
Tyler came into town from NY with his friend Andrew last week, so I took advantage of the time he was there--we headed to Lois and Randy's on Tuesday night for dinner and Glee. We ended up not watching Glee, but sitting around and talking until we realized that it was almost time for bed. It's always wonderful to see him. I miss being able to call him and say "okay, we're hanging out!".
Last weekend, Zach and I headed to the beach. We've been really busy around here the last few months, and we both needed some time to get away and be alone. I knew we were going somewhere for the weekend, but he didn't tell me exactly where until Thursday night before we left. Friday, we headed to the Outer Banks after he got off of work. I had only been to the OBX once before for a whirlwind wedding trip, so I was very excited to see what it was all about! We arrived late, checked into our bed and breakfast (which was very charming and adorable, by the way), and headed back out for dinner. It was very late when we got back and we had been driving for 4 hours anyway, so we just headed to bed. Saturday the weather was beautiful, so we drove about 30 minutes south and laid out on the beach for a while. We had planned to go see some lighthouses, but we were so sandy (and i was wet) that we were miserable--bad planning on our part, I suppose. We headed to lunch near Hatteras and then turned around and went back to our B&B to get ready for the evening. We went to dinner at a cute little restaurant, where I was able to get the crab legs I had been craving since we arrived. After dinner, we headed back to our room to have a bottle of wine and retired for the night. Sunday, the weather was dreary and getting chilly, so we just decided to check out and head home. My family was having a birthday celebration that night anyway, so we went back to Cary and watched football for a little while before going to Durham. As always, fun times were had at the family gathering, and we played a really exciting game of Catchphrase. It's a family favorite. :)
I've finally gotten into the swing of things at school, being able to get everything done in time and keeping up with my online classes. We're midway through the semester, and right now I have all A's and B's. It's a good feeling knowing that I may make Dean's list again this semester. My goal is to graduate Cum Laude, but I'm not sure if I can pull my GPA from a 3.26 to a 3.5 in one semester. We'll see what happens! Midterms are this week and next week, so it's going to be a week of studying. I'm back to subbing in ABSS, and I've already picked up 6 days this month. It's my only source of income right now, since I'm no longer hosting at Tobacco Road. I'm in the process of applying for big girl jobs, finally!!!! I'm really hoping I can find one and start in January. Keeping my fingers crossed and praying every day.
This weekend was a fairly slow but exciting one. Friday night we didn't really do anything, I've been sort of under the weather this week anyway. We've gotten into a workout routine where we work out 3 times a week, which is really nice. I can already see the definition in my muscles forming. Saturday, I took sissy and her best friend Ashleigh to the Fox 50 Family Fest on the American Tobacco campus in Durham. We had a lot of fun running around and acting like kids again. We posed for pictures with the duck, met Greg Fishel, got to pet a skunk and an alligator, decorated a rubber duck, and made unicorn horns. All the money that
was raised went to a good cause. I donated mine to the Duke Children's Hospital. After I brought them back home, I headed back to Cary to watch football with boyfriend and then we headed to Raleigh for the Sugarland concert! We had made plans to go when we first heard about it, but then we decided with the beach trip and Zach's impending vacation this week, we weren't going to go, in order to save money. However, I managed to score two lawn tickets for $40 from a friend of mine. I couldn't pass them up. Thanks Lindsey!!!! It was Zach's first time at Walnut Creek; I've probably been 4 or 5 times in my childhood. Little Big Town and Sugarland put on a really great show--Jennifer Nettles is so animated in everything she does. We made a game of pointing out people that were doing amusing things...and boy were there a lot of them.
This morning was the day I've been dreading all week--the day that Zach left for vacation. I dropped him off at the airport this morning and I've been a big baby ever since. He's going to visit family--and although I hope he has a good time and enjoys time with his family, I miss him already! He'll come home on Saturday night just in time for me to get home from Katy's baby shower to pick him up from the airport. We've already been apart for a week once while I went to Vegas, but we had been dating for less than 2 weeks at that time so things were different. It's going to be a long week, but I'll stop whining and put my big girl pants on now. We celebrate our quarter of a year anniversary on Wednesday--it sounds like we've been together a lot longer than 3 months when you put it that way. Time is flying by! We've now been together longer than I have days until graduation (I'm a dork, I know).
Now it's time settle in for the night--I've got the Amazing Race and Desperate Housewives to watch, and then I have to get up at the crack of dawn in the morning. I'm subbing in 4th grade tomorrow. Toodles!
Thursday, September 16, 2010
Weekly Update...
Oh, Thursday. This week is flying by, and I don't need it to. I have to take my Praxis at 7:30 Saturday morning...and I'm scared to death. Everybody tells me not to worry, but I can't help but have it in the back of my mind. buhhhhhh.
This week has been weird. I had to work Monday night, so that threw off my usual sleep schedule as to where I stay. I had lunch with Zach on Monday before I had to work, and then stayed at home that I swapped Tuesday out and stayed with him :)
I've been really emotional this week, too. Sometimes I hate being a woman. ugh. Hopefully once all this stress goes away I'll be back to normal. My sleep schedule will go back to normal next week, even though I have to work Friday night. I'm not closing so I should get out pretty early.
We went to the mall last night--I had to have a new pair of shoes for work since SOMEBODY'S dog chewed mine up...i'm not calling anybody out though. hehe. It was a successful trip, I got new shoes and two new bras. I love spending time with Zach. He brings out the best in me and makes me smile constantly. Life is good.
Not really much to say...and I need to be paying attention in class, I have a test next week. We'll see how that goes.
This week has been weird. I had to work Monday night, so that threw off my usual sleep schedule as to where I stay. I had lunch with Zach on Monday before I had to work, and then stayed at home that I swapped Tuesday out and stayed with him :)
I've been really emotional this week, too. Sometimes I hate being a woman. ugh. Hopefully once all this stress goes away I'll be back to normal. My sleep schedule will go back to normal next week, even though I have to work Friday night. I'm not closing so I should get out pretty early.
We went to the mall last night--I had to have a new pair of shoes for work since SOMEBODY'S dog chewed mine up...i'm not calling anybody out though. hehe. It was a successful trip, I got new shoes and two new bras. I love spending time with Zach. He brings out the best in me and makes me smile constantly. Life is good.
Not really much to say...and I need to be paying attention in class, I have a test next week. We'll see how that goes.
Saturday, September 11, 2010
Busy Busy Bee!
It's been over a week since i've Life has been busy this week! Last weekend I worked lunch on Saturday and Sunday, and we got seriously busy since it was the first weekend of college football. I was dead on my feet by the time I came back to Zach's every night! Saturday night we went to Nan's for a little cookout...what should have taken us 40 minutes took almost 2 hours because of a wreck in Wake Forest...and I HATE traffic. ugh.
Monday was our two monthiversary! Time is flying by. We went out to lunch in Raleigh and spent some time together...unfortunately I had to work that night, but it was nice to get some time to sleep in on Monday morning even though I didn't get a single day off. I'm gonna have a nice paycheck come Friday. :)
School is crazy hectic...I'm trying to keep up with both of my on-campus classes as well as my three online classes. It's tough discipling yourself to do online classwork! I like my anthropology class because it forces me to read--I have to turn in an electronic copy of my notes every week. I can't believe there's less than 100 days until graduation at this point. I'm so excited! I have everything ready to turn in for my Wake County application...soon enough I'll be able to contact principals about jobs!!!! :)
We went out for Nanner's 30th tonight--there were 22 of us in our party, and all of the crazy barn people get together, we tend to get pretty loud. It was a blast. I love being home and being able to go out with my friends without feeling guilty! It's the first time all of our little family has been together in a while...probably since Districts in July!
Now i'm at Zach's, he's watching NC State football now...blegh. Carolina got the week off. It's okay though, I got to have coffee for the first time all week today. I've been trying to cut down on my's not healthy for me AT all AND it's expensive. Usually I have it at least 3 times a week but this week I didn't have it at ALL until today! I'm pretty proud of myself. It seems like there's been a Starbucks EVERYWHERE we've been this weekend...there was one right beside PF Chang's at Crabtree where we first tried to go to dinner last night, there was one in the shopping center where we finally did go to dinner, and then there was one right beside Red Robin in Brier Creek when we went out tonight! I couldn't resist anymore, it was calling my name. I've got my frappuccino and I'm pretty pleased. This football game is silly. I'd much rather be watching my boys in blue. I think i'm gonna head to bed pretty soon. Toodles!
Monday was our two monthiversary! Time is flying by. We went out to lunch in Raleigh and spent some time together...unfortunately I had to work that night, but it was nice to get some time to sleep in on Monday morning even though I didn't get a single day off. I'm gonna have a nice paycheck come Friday. :)
School is crazy hectic...I'm trying to keep up with both of my on-campus classes as well as my three online classes. It's tough discipling yourself to do online classwork! I like my anthropology class because it forces me to read--I have to turn in an electronic copy of my notes every week. I can't believe there's less than 100 days until graduation at this point. I'm so excited! I have everything ready to turn in for my Wake County application...soon enough I'll be able to contact principals about jobs!!!! :)
We went out for Nanner's 30th tonight--there were 22 of us in our party, and all of the crazy barn people get together, we tend to get pretty loud. It was a blast. I love being home and being able to go out with my friends without feeling guilty! It's the first time all of our little family has been together in a while...probably since Districts in July!
Now i'm at Zach's, he's watching NC State football now...blegh. Carolina got the week off. It's okay though, I got to have coffee for the first time all week today. I've been trying to cut down on my's not healthy for me AT all AND it's expensive. Usually I have it at least 3 times a week but this week I didn't have it at ALL until today! I'm pretty proud of myself. It seems like there's been a Starbucks EVERYWHERE we've been this weekend...there was one right beside PF Chang's at Crabtree where we first tried to go to dinner last night, there was one in the shopping center where we finally did go to dinner, and then there was one right beside Red Robin in Brier Creek when we went out tonight! I couldn't resist anymore, it was calling my name. I've got my frappuccino and I'm pretty pleased. This football game is silly. I'd much rather be watching my boys in blue. I think i'm gonna head to bed pretty soon. Toodles!
Saturday, September 4, 2010
Day 10
Day 10: A Photo of You Taken Over 10 Years Ago
Sorry, folks. Nothing to produce wasn't thriving 10 years ago, when I was the ripe age of 12. I can tell you I was probably in 7th grade with two best friends by the name of Kellie and Ashley. Oh, to be 12 again.
The last few days have just been full of new computer got here on Wednesday, which REALLY excited me. I'm in love. I've managed to get everything done for school by Friday of every week, even though I have things that aren't due until Sunday. I like just being able to spend my time in Cary with Zach on the weekends without having to do any work. This weekend is Labor day, and mostly everyone has a long weekend. However, the restaurant business doesn't take time i'll be working Saturday, Sunday, AND Monday. I'm not going to complain, because it's work and I've got bills to pay! I actually got my first paycheck today and frankly, I was quite excited. It was wonderful. Tonight Zach and I grocery shopped and cooked dinner together (we're both learning how to do more in the kitchen), and now we're just relaxing. It's just about bedtime so I'll stop here. I have to work lunch tomorrow, which means getting up at a decent hour. I hope everyone has a wonderful long weekend! :)
Tuesday, August 31, 2010
Day 9
Day 9: A Photo You Took
I never knew how much one person could love something with four legs until I got Scooter almost a year ago. He is what kept me sane when I was living in my apartment, and he's still what keeps me going on days when i feel down...yes, i know he's furry and has 4 legs. BUT I love just being able to come home and have him rub up against my legs or when he snuggles up to me at night. He's absolutely insane but he's so adorable...I mean, look at that picture. How can you ignore that cute sleepy face? I made sure that I took him with me when I moved out of my apartment because I didn't think that I could live without him...I think I might be crushed if I had to give him up! He's a fatty and eats too much, but it's only because I can't resist his cuteness. I swear he thinks he's a dog. He fetches, we go on walks together in the yard, he growls, and he has a stuffed animal that he carries around and is very possessive over. He's the one thing that's guaranteed to cheer me up when i'm in a bad mood. :)------------------------------------------
Not much going on today--woke up feeling like I had JUST gone to sleep. Of course, I have to spend all day on campus and then work tonight at 5. There's a bulls game so it's going to be PACKED! Hopefully it'll fly by and i'll get out before midnight. Then, thankfully, I have nothing to do tomorrow. I'll probably take sissy to school and then just chill out for the rest of the day. My new computer should be here today or tomorrow--I check the tracking of it this morning and it's in SC!!! wheee! I guess I should go pay attention in class.
Monday, August 30, 2010
Day 8
Day 8: A picture that makes you angry/sad
In the wake of the tragedy at Riverside this weekend, I've been thinking a lot about losing someone that I love. This picture makes me sad and happy at the same time. I miss my granny a TON...more so on some days than on others. Now that I'm living back at home, which happens to be the house where my mom grew up, I'll pass by things every so often that remind me of her. I love having memories of her and the wonderful times that we had together--it was because of her that I didn't have to go to daycare, and it was because of her that our family is so strong. She was the strongest woman I knew, and this picture was taken the night of my junior prom, back when she was healthy in 2005. She passed away in 2008, and I believe that she really is my guardian angel watching over me. I can't tell you how many times she's saved me from what could have been a bad situation. I remember one time shortly after she passed away, when I was at the grocery store--I was in my car heading home from grabbing some things, and I glanced over at some people entering the grocery store. I literally had to do a double take because I thought that it was her entering the store. I went home and cried for the rest of the afternoon because it made me miss her so much. Every time my mom and I see a dragonfly, we say that's a sign that she's just visiting us. We both want to get dragonfly tattoo's somewhere to remember her by. She has been my motivation to finish school, and she was always my biggest fan and my hero. I love and miss you Granny!
Sunday morning I got up to find out that two students that went to my high school were killed in a car accident on Saturday night. I went through school with one of the boys' brother's. I couldn't imagine losing my sister. I wouldn't be able to function. They are saying that neither speed nor alcohol was a factor in the crash, which makes it incredibly sad that they were just in the wrong place at the wrong time. I can't imagine what my Riverside family is going through right now--it makes me think back to the summer before and the beginning of my sophomore year, when we lost two students and a football coach all within a month of each other. My thoughts and prayers go out to everyone involved. Just know that Brantley and Miles are watching over you from heaven.
Monday, Monday. The start of another far it's been pretty good--I worked last night, worked again this morning, and I have to go straight from school to work tomorrow...but then I get three days off before working lunch shifts all weekend. I'm so thankful to have a job that's giving me hours and that I actually enjoy! Only 108 days until graduation! I'm getting ready to head to Zach's for the night, and I have class and work all day tomorrow...i foresee an early bedtime tonight!
Saturday, August 28, 2010
Day 7
Day 7: A Photo That Makes You Happy

Nothing big going on this weekend--just kind of hanging out around Zach's house. Yesterday I had the power steering replaced in my car (it had been recalled) and had an oil change and my air filter and windshield wipers replaced, which took up the majority of my morning. Then I took care of some stuff with mom, and before I knew it, it was time to leave for Cary. Last night Zach and I went out to dinner in downtown Raleigh last night, and then came back and had a glass of wine before bed. Today i'm "studying" (aka facebooking and blogging) and he's putting a second coat of paint on the dining room...I have to go to Verizon at some point to get my new phone activated, but after that I don't think we have any plans. I have to work 3 days in a row starting fun. I'm all caught up on school work right now, so i'm just trying to get ahead for the busy week in front of me. I'm really enjoying school and my job--life is SPECTACULAR right now! I suppose I'll go back to actually reading a chapter in my psychology book...hope everyone has a fabulous weekend. *toodles*
Thursday, August 26, 2010
Day 6
Day 6: Whatever Tickles Your Fancy
umm...what? Okay. I'm sitting in my first class waiting for it to start. The good thing about staying with Zach and leaving Cary at 7:30 to avoid the RTP traffic is that I have time to stop at Starbucks AND get gas, and I'm still in Greensboro before 9am. My first class doesn't start until 9:30...good option for a crazy OCD person like me.
Anyway. I just wanted to brag about how wonderful my life is and how lucky i am. Normally i'm a pretty happy go lucky person and pretty outgoing, but this past week has been tough for me. I'm dealing with some personal stuff that isn't appropriate to vent about here, and I started a new job AND school this week. It hit me Sunday that summer was over and the tough stuff started back on Sunday night. I worked Sunday and Monday, went to school Tuesday, worked Wednesday, I'm at school today, and I finally get a 3 day break after my classes are finished today--but I still have online classes to work on as well! But, on my way to Greensboro this morning I was just thinking about how lucky I truly am and how blessed my life REALLY is. So, here is day 6.
a. I've got the greatest family EVER. I always knew that they were pretty great, but it's really kicked in since I moved home. Living in Durham has given me the opportunity to spend more time with them and really realize how much I depend on them. When I moved out of my apartment last month, they were right there by my side. Lauren and Michael came and helped me move my stuff out and let me live with them for a week while I got adjusted and got back on my feet before Vegas, my mom has let me stay at her house rent free and has been helping me through my personal stuff and stresses...I love her even more when she has to yell at me so i'll shut up and calm down. My sissy has been the best therapy ever, I absolutely LOVE spending time with her. We have adventures and then we can be serious...being at the barn with her so much in the last month has made me have a greater appreciation for the outdoors and made me less afraid of the dirt (never thought that would happen!). My daddy has been the biggest help ever as well. I never realized how much I really do need him and how much I really do appreciate him until all of this happened. He and Nancy have been wonderful with helping me through all of my issues and have even offered to help me buy a new car if I need to. I can call him crying and after I get done talking to him, i'm calmed down and feeling better.
b. I have the greatest friends in the world. I love being able to spend time with Megan and Kaitlyn and Felicia on Tuesdays. It's such a big stress relief. Nan and Jason, my unbilolgical siblings, have been more than lifesavers in the past month. I just love being around people, and any time i'm feeling down I can just go to them for a boost.
c. Best. Boyfriend. EVER. I've never, ever, EVER felt this way about someone before. I loved Adam, but I don't think at 18 that I really realized what love was. In the 7 weeks that Zach and I have been together, I haven't found anything about him yet that I don't like. He has become my best friend and the man I look up to. We're different in so many ways, but at the same time we have so much in common as well. He tells me all the time how beautiful I am and he lifts me up. We work as a team and have promised to be honest and open with each other. Our relationship is about compromise, not about one being more dominant than the other. He treats me like a princess, doesn't yell at me, talks to me about things that matter, loves me, and is just overall wonderful. I can ask him to do something, and he'll do what I ask plus even more. He's probably the most supportive person in the world--he stands behind me no matter what decision I make. If either one of us has an issue with what the other one is doing, we have agreed to talk about it and share with each other. I have found that I truly, truly love him with my whole heart. We're not going to rush into things, but I can definitely see this relationship being for a lifetime. I can see myself being with him at 90. I'm gonna quote Jason Mraz here and say "I'm lucky I'm in love with my best friend". :)
d. I'm getting ready to reach my dream of being a teacher. I can see the light at the end of the tunnel. We're almost to the 100 day mark until graduation. Luckily I'm really pleased with most of my classes this semester, and i'm determined to make it the best semester yet. I'm so excited for my new laptop. It's pink polka dots. eeeep! I take my Praxis Exam on Sept 18 and I'm really nervous, but if I can pass all of my classes and pass that test, then the state will give me a license! I picked up references and transcripts this week and I just have to get my doctor to sign off to say i'm not dying or have any crazy diseases and I will have a complete Wake County application, as well as a Durham County application to substitute teach. Wheeee! I also got something in the mail about ordering invitations to graduation and buying a ring. We're getting SO close!!!!!!
Ah, life is good. Class is over, so I have to go isolate myself and work on some online class stuff.
Wednesday, August 25, 2010
Day 5; Sissy's last first day of middle school!
Day 5: Your Favorite Quotation
I grew up in church. As much as I hate to admit it, I haven't been as much as I should since I left for college. I could never find a church that I really fit into while in Greensboro, so I went back to my home church one weekend after I moved home, and it felt wonderful to be back. All that aside, my favorite quotation of all time happens to be a bible verse:
"Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own."--Matthew 6:34
This is a verse that I (and some of the other girls on my PDS team) held onto very tightly while I was interning and student teaching. As teachers, we tend to worry about things that we can't really control or things that are in the future. As a person in general, I'm a worry wart. I worry about things that don't matter. I worry about things that do matter. I worry, and it keeps me awake at night. Sometimes I have to remember to let go and let God--especially through some of the things that i'm going through right now. If I can remember to say this quote to myself every day, I always worry less during that day and have a pleasant day.

Tuesday, August 24, 2010
Slacker! Day 4.
Okay, okay. I'm a slacker. I fell down on my "30 days of me". I'll start up again today with my favorite book! Day 4.
Dear John
My life has been absolutely insane for the last two weeks. I've been running around trying to get things ready to go back to school and trying to balance spending time with my family and spending time with Zach. I got sick weekend before last with what felt like the flu, and ended up being a 24 hour bug. I was in Cary for the weekend, and because I have the best boyfriend ever, he took amazing care of me. I sent him to the store for some random "sick" items, and he came back with flowers and a Carolina snuggie for me to wrap up in since I was running a fever and had chills. I felt good enough to get up and venture home on Monday, and tried to take it easy all week. Thursday I ventured up to Greensboro for the day to get some housekeeping stuff done and see Megan and her new apartment! We had planned to go to the pool for the afternoon, but lo and behold, it rained. I swear, I've got a cloud magnet over my head...which makes no sense to me, because I'm such a sunshiny person! hehe. We ended up running my errands and then just hanging around her apartment for a little while...and then I found out I had gotten poor Zach sick! I felt horrible, so of course I went over there to take care of him. Turns out, he had the same 24 hour bug that I did. He recovered on Friday, and on Saturday we both desperately were wanting to get out of the house. We had lunch in the cutest little pizzeria in Downtown Apex. We'll definitely go back.
Lauren's birthday party was Saturday night, so we headed to Durham for that. It was great to see everyone and we both had a pretty awesome time--he lost at rock, paper, scissors, and had to drive home. I'm a star. :D
I had my first day of on-campus class today...let the last semester of undergrad commence! It's weird to be sitting in the library again (my new laptop hasn't been delivered yet so i'm working from the library), waiting on my second class. I have one in the morning and one in the afternoon, and time to work on online classes in between. I think it's going to be a pretty awesome semester. Stay tuned for updates!
Thursday, August 12, 2010
Day 3
Day 3: Your Favorite Television Program
Okay, I'm going to cheat here. I have SO many tv shows that I love, I can't choose just one. Glee, Desperate Housewives, and Big Brother are the 3 that have to be DVR'ed each week...thank goodness Glee and Desperate Housewives don't start their new seasons until next month. I can only keep up with so many at one time!
Desperate Housewives
Yeah, yeah, I know...trashy tv. But I love it. The show is so ridiculous and over dramatic that I can't stop watching. Once you've seen every single episode you can't exactly give it up and quit watching! I'll admit that I stopped watching Grey's Anatomy because the storyline just got too ridiculous for me, and Desperate Housewives is probably 10x worse. But it's hilarious. I couldn't imagine that housewives are like that in real life--or are they?
Big Brother
Nothing AT ALL going on today...I'm getting SO bored not working or going to school right now. I came home from Cary this morning and piddled around the house for a little while, and then I had to get out of the house...the only problem with that is I always spend money! I had a mild panic attack when I realized that I have 12 days until school starts, so I went to look for a new planner and get a few things for the first day of class. I searched for weeks last year and couldn't find one that I liked, but luckily I found one that I really liked at Wal-Mart this year. Now I feel a little bit better that I can write things down into my schedule. 12 more days until summer vacation is over. This is the first year I've really gotten to enjoy the summer and not had to work my tail off...I got to do so many fun things this summer and I couldn't be any happier right now than I am. 12 more days until I start the next chapter of my life, and I'm really nervous. I don't know how many times I've said this, but I have the BEST friends and family and boyfriend a girl could ask for, and I know that the next 4 months will fly by and graduation will be here before I know it!
Wednesday, August 11, 2010
Day 2
Day 2: Your Favorite Movie
A movie that we've watched recently that I love is The Other Guys. I fell in love with Will Ferrell in Anchorman, and have loved all of his movies ever since. Zach and I went to see it last night and it was absolutely hilarious. It's usually tough for me to stay awake through an entire movie, but I was laughing the entire time during this one so I couldn't fall asleep!
Had a pretty low key day...just catching up on laundry and stuff. I got my nails done this afternoon and now I'm headed out to be with Zach for the night :)
Tuesday, August 10, 2010
30 Days + Update.
Found this on a friend's blog and decided to give it a shot--we'll see how long i can stick to it...hehehe :)
30 Days of ME
Day 1: Your favorite song
Day 2: Your favorite movie
Day 3: Your favorite television program
Day 4: Your favorite book
Day 5: Your favorite quote
Day 6: Whatever tickles your fancy
Day 7: A photo that makes you happy
Day 8: A photo that makes you angry/sad
Day 9: A photo you took
Day 10: A photo of you taken over ten years ago
Day 11: A photo of you taken recently
Day 12: Whatever tickles your fancy
Day 13: A fictional book
Day 14: A non-fictional book
Day 15: A fanfic
Day 16: A song that makes you cry (or nearly)
Day 17: An art piece (painting, drawing, sculpture, etc.)
Day 18: Whatever tickles your fancy
Day 19: A talent of yours
Day 20: A hobby of yours
Day 21: A recipe
Day 22: A website
Day 23: A YouTube video
Day 24: Whatever tickles your fancy
Day 25: Your day, in great detail
Day 26: Your week, in great detail
Day 27: This month, in great detail
Day 28: This year, in great detail
Day 29: Hopes, dreams and plans for the next 365 days
Day 30: Whatever tickles your fancy
I'm five years old, it's getting cold, I've got my big coat on
I hear your laugh and look up smiling at you, I run and run
Past the pumpkin patch and the tractor rides, look now, the sky is gold
I hug your legs and fall asleep on the way home
I don't know why all the trees change in the fall
But I know you're not scared of anything at all
Don't know if Snow White's house is near or far away
But I know I had the best day with you today
I'm thirteen now and don't know how my friends could be so mean
I come home crying and you hold me tight and grab the keys
And we drive and drive until we found a town far enough away
And we talk and window shop 'til I've forgotten all their names
I don't know who I'm gonna talk to now at school
But I know I'm laughing on the car ride home with you
Don't know how long it's gonna take to feel okay
But I know I had the best day with you today
I have an excellent father, his strength is making me stronger
God smiles on my little brother, inside and out, he's better than I am
I grew up in a pretty house and I had space to run
And I had the best days with you
There is a video I found from back when I was three
You set up a paint set in the kitchen and you're talking to me
It's the age of princesses and pirate ships and the seven dwarfs
And Daddy's smart and you're the prettiest lady in the whole wide world
And now I know why the all the trees change in the fall
I know you were on my side even when I was wrong
And I love you for giving me your eyes
For staying back and watching me shine
And I didn't know if you knew, so I'm takin' this chance to say
That I had the best day with you today
So excited about my future and the things to come. It feels like everything is falling into place exactly like it should, and I couldn't be more excited. I'm so lucky to have such a wonderful and supporting group of friends and family, not to mention probably the most incredible boyfriend on the planet. I know that whenever I'm feeling down on myself I can just look at any of them to bring me back up.
30 Days of ME
Day 1: Your favorite song
Day 2: Your favorite movie
Day 3: Your favorite television program
Day 4: Your favorite book
Day 5: Your favorite quote
Day 6: Whatever tickles your fancy
Day 7: A photo that makes you happy
Day 8: A photo that makes you angry/sad
Day 9: A photo you took
Day 10: A photo of you taken over ten years ago
Day 11: A photo of you taken recently
Day 12: Whatever tickles your fancy
Day 13: A fictional book
Day 14: A non-fictional book
Day 15: A fanfic
Day 16: A song that makes you cry (or nearly)
Day 17: An art piece (painting, drawing, sculpture, etc.)
Day 18: Whatever tickles your fancy
Day 19: A talent of yours
Day 20: A hobby of yours
Day 21: A recipe
Day 22: A website
Day 23: A YouTube video
Day 24: Whatever tickles your fancy
Day 25: Your day, in great detail
Day 26: Your week, in great detail
Day 27: This month, in great detail
Day 28: This year, in great detail
Day 29: Hopes, dreams and plans for the next 365 days
Day 30: Whatever tickles your fancy
Day 1: Your Favorite Song
This is probably one of my favorite songs of ALL time...the song I want to dance with my mom to at my wedding and a song that I feel that I can definitely relate to...I always try to find meaning in song lyrics. I've been listening to Taylor Swift A LOT lately, and I just love this song.
I hear your laugh and look up smiling at you, I run and run
Past the pumpkin patch and the tractor rides, look now, the sky is gold
I hug your legs and fall asleep on the way home
I don't know why all the trees change in the fall
But I know you're not scared of anything at all
Don't know if Snow White's house is near or far away
But I know I had the best day with you today
I'm thirteen now and don't know how my friends could be so mean
I come home crying and you hold me tight and grab the keys
And we drive and drive until we found a town far enough away
And we talk and window shop 'til I've forgotten all their names
I don't know who I'm gonna talk to now at school
But I know I'm laughing on the car ride home with you
Don't know how long it's gonna take to feel okay
But I know I had the best day with you today
I have an excellent father, his strength is making me stronger
God smiles on my little brother, inside and out, he's better than I am
I grew up in a pretty house and I had space to run
And I had the best days with you
There is a video I found from back when I was three
You set up a paint set in the kitchen and you're talking to me
It's the age of princesses and pirate ships and the seven dwarfs
And Daddy's smart and you're the prettiest lady in the whole wide world
And now I know why the all the trees change in the fall
I know you were on my side even when I was wrong
And I love you for giving me your eyes
For staying back and watching me shine
And I didn't know if you knew, so I'm takin' this chance to say
That I had the best day with you today
--The Best Day, Taylor Swift
Not really a ton going on over here in my little world. I've mostly been helping to take care of things around the house, and spending a lot of time in Cary with Zach. I woke up this morning feeling like I had been hit by a MAC truck. I was achy and had 0 energy. I took a shower and crawled back into bed while Zach was cooking breakfast. He didn't feel well either...he's just too good to me.
I had a job interview today, now I'm just crossing my fingers and hoping to get it! Its been a blessing that I haven't had a job for the past couple of weeks so that I could help take care of things while mom was recovering from her surgery, but now that she's back at work and regaining some of her superpowers, I need a job! I'm supporting myself for the first time ever, really, and I figure an income would be a good thing...i have a pretty bad shoe addiction. ;)
School starts back in two weeks time--I'm really really excited, and at the same time I'm nervous. I'm going back onto campus for the first time since last's going to be so weird! I'm a nerd and I love school, but it's going to take a lot of self discipline on my end to juggle three online classes along with my two on-campus classes. As long as I pass my classes, pass my Praxis II exam (which, by the way, I'm scared to DEATH of. No matter how many times people tell me I'll be fine, I'm still wigging out), the state should grant me a license in December! eeeep!
I'm trying not to do too much today...I came home this afternoon and got into my pj's, I should probably put some real clothes on at some point. Mom's cooking burgers tonight for us and then Zach and I are going to a movie and getting that Cinnamon bun both of us have been craving now since BEFORE I left for Vegas!
Friday, July 30, 2010
Superwonder Woman in Training!
Phew...I'm so glad it's Friday at 6pm! This week has been crazy to say the least. My mom landed herself in the hospital with gallbladder problems, and I had to take over mommy duty for the week. She went into the hospital on Sunday morning while I was in Cary...that'll teach me not to leave my phone on silent again! I came home to take care of my sister while she was gone, and lo and behold, she was having some personal issues of her own. I'll spare the details, but everything turned out peachy. I took her to breakfast and we hung around here for the afternoon...went to see mom for a little while, and then we went to dinner with Zach and Nan.
Mom had surgery on Monday and it couldn't have gone any better than it did. They were able to do it lapriscopicaly so that she would only have 3 small incisions and be able to go to SC this weekend with Summer for the regional 4h horse show. She spent the night in the hospital Monday night and came home on Tuesday. We ran some errands, and then I dropped her off at home to rest while I went to dinner with Zach. I went by Lauren and Michael's to get all of my stuff, and I was finally able to get settled into mom's house that night!!! It feels so good to have all of my stuff unpacked and be able to relax (yeah right...i don't know what that word is). I ran around like a chicken with my head cut off on Wednesday, helping mom and Summer get stuff ready to leave on Thursday. We were out for a number of hours, and then I took Summer BACK to the barn (by that time I had been to the barn 3 times that day) and headed to out for the night.
They left yesterday morning, and things haven't calmed down for me yet. I've been trying to do everything I have to do to get settled, but I postponed all of that so that I could take care of mom this week. I definitely have a greater appreciation for everything that my mom does now that I've had to experience what it feels like for 4 days! And I didn't even do her full time job! Phew. Hopefully this weekend i'll get some time to rest and relax.
I did do something really really really exciting (to me) yesterday--I APPLIED TO GRADUATE!!! Finally!!! It's finally sinking in. I had a mild panic attack yesterday, but I think everything is going to be okay. I have to get registered to take my Praxis II test in September, and as long as I pass that and all of my classes, I will be an officially licensed teacher on December 16! :) So excited.
Alright, I'm off to have adventures for the weekend. Toodles! :)
Mom had surgery on Monday and it couldn't have gone any better than it did. They were able to do it lapriscopicaly so that she would only have 3 small incisions and be able to go to SC this weekend with Summer for the regional 4h horse show. She spent the night in the hospital Monday night and came home on Tuesday. We ran some errands, and then I dropped her off at home to rest while I went to dinner with Zach. I went by Lauren and Michael's to get all of my stuff, and I was finally able to get settled into mom's house that night!!! It feels so good to have all of my stuff unpacked and be able to relax (yeah right...i don't know what that word is). I ran around like a chicken with my head cut off on Wednesday, helping mom and Summer get stuff ready to leave on Thursday. We were out for a number of hours, and then I took Summer BACK to the barn (by that time I had been to the barn 3 times that day) and headed to out for the night.
They left yesterday morning, and things haven't calmed down for me yet. I've been trying to do everything I have to do to get settled, but I postponed all of that so that I could take care of mom this week. I definitely have a greater appreciation for everything that my mom does now that I've had to experience what it feels like for 4 days! And I didn't even do her full time job! Phew. Hopefully this weekend i'll get some time to rest and relax.
I did do something really really really exciting (to me) yesterday--I APPLIED TO GRADUATE!!! Finally!!! It's finally sinking in. I had a mild panic attack yesterday, but I think everything is going to be okay. I have to get registered to take my Praxis II test in September, and as long as I pass that and all of my classes, I will be an officially licensed teacher on December 16! :) So excited.
Alright, I'm off to have adventures for the weekend. Toodles! :)
Monday, July 26, 2010
Home Sweet Home
Just a quick update--I'm home from Vegas and I had a FABULOUS time. I'll post pictures later. I spent the weekend in Cary with Zach, and came home on Sunday to find that my mom had landed herself in the hospital with an angry gallbladder! She's having surgery today, so I'm playing dual roles today and taking care of Summer and taking care of her as much as I can too. I took sissy to the barn and came home to take a shower and now I'm getting ready to head up to the hospital. I'll keep everyone updated as I find out more of what's going on! Hopefully everything will go smoothly and she'll end up at home tonight :)
Friday, July 16, 2010
New Beginnings
What a week...what a week.
So, I'm officially living at home again. I moved out of our apartment on Monday and have been in Durham ever since. It was a big step for me, but it was something that needed to be done. I know that many people don't understand why I did what I did, and that's okay. I may lose friends over this. But I realized a while ago that I have no clue who I am as a person. For 4 years, I knew who US was. I knew what Katie and Adam liked, and I knew who Katie and Adam were...but going straight from high school into a committed relationship and being engaged for 4 years didn't allow me the time that I needed to actually grow up and discover who I truly am. So this new adventure that I'm going on is one of self discovery and independence. I've been so reliant on someone to do everything for me for 4 years, and it's time for me to grow up and become an independent woman before it's too late--I graduate in December and I get thrown out in the real world from there. Adam is not a bad man and I will always care about him, I could never hate him or not speak to him again. It wasn't anything that he did as a person that made me leave, and I hope everyone understands this. If not, I'm sure there's a time in your life that you're going to come to a fork in the road and you have to decide which path to take. Yes, no one really saw it coming. But no one saw the struggle that I went through within myself, either. I didn't really let it surface until a few weeks prior to my move out.
I'm leaving for Vegas in less than 48 hours--woooohoooo!!! AND when I come back, I get to fly by myself for the first time EVER. eeeeep. What a way to start off my new independent adventure!!! Chance are I won't have access to the internet to update, but I will surely update and post pictures when I get back :)
I'm heading out for the evening--toodles! :)
So, I'm officially living at home again. I moved out of our apartment on Monday and have been in Durham ever since. It was a big step for me, but it was something that needed to be done. I know that many people don't understand why I did what I did, and that's okay. I may lose friends over this. But I realized a while ago that I have no clue who I am as a person. For 4 years, I knew who US was. I knew what Katie and Adam liked, and I knew who Katie and Adam were...but going straight from high school into a committed relationship and being engaged for 4 years didn't allow me the time that I needed to actually grow up and discover who I truly am. So this new adventure that I'm going on is one of self discovery and independence. I've been so reliant on someone to do everything for me for 4 years, and it's time for me to grow up and become an independent woman before it's too late--I graduate in December and I get thrown out in the real world from there. Adam is not a bad man and I will always care about him, I could never hate him or not speak to him again. It wasn't anything that he did as a person that made me leave, and I hope everyone understands this. If not, I'm sure there's a time in your life that you're going to come to a fork in the road and you have to decide which path to take. Yes, no one really saw it coming. But no one saw the struggle that I went through within myself, either. I didn't really let it surface until a few weeks prior to my move out.
I'm leaving for Vegas in less than 48 hours--woooohoooo!!! AND when I come back, I get to fly by myself for the first time EVER. eeeeep. What a way to start off my new independent adventure!!! Chance are I won't have access to the internet to update, but I will surely update and post pictures when I get back :)
I'm heading out for the evening--toodles! :)
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