Took my Praxis on the 18th of last month--I was very nervous going into the test, and even now I'm not sure how to feel about it. It was hard but I feel like I did a fairly good job. I find out on the 19th if I passed. If I did, I'll get my teaching license soon! If not, i'll have to take it again in November. Crossing my fingers that I don't have to take it again. We headed to Winston to have dinner and see a movie with some friends after I got done testing--it was nice to relax and not have to worry about anything. I love hanging out with Katy but she lives so far away that it's tough to see her more often--little Noah is due in about 6 weeks, I'm really excited! Her baby shower is next weekend, and all of our girlfriends should be back together again for the first time since the wedding in June. I'm excited!
Tyler came into town from NY with his friend Andrew last week, so I took advantage of the time he was there--we headed to Lois and Randy's on Tuesday night for dinner and Glee. We ended up not watching Glee, but sitting around and talking until we realized that it was almost time for bed. It's always wonderful to see him. I miss being able to call him and say "okay, we're hanging out!".
Last weekend, Zach and I headed to the beach. We've been really busy around here the last few months, and we both needed some time to get away and be alone. I knew we were going somewhere for the weekend, but he didn't tell me exactly where until Thursday night before we left. Friday, we headed to the Outer Banks after he got off of work. I had only been to the OBX once before for a whirlwind wedding trip, so I was very excited to see what it was all about! We arrived late, checked into our bed and breakfast (which was very charming and adorable, by the way), and headed back out for dinner. It was very late when we got back and we had been driving for 4 hours anyway, so we just headed to bed. Saturday the weather was beautiful, so we drove about 30 minutes south and laid out on the beach for a while. We had planned to go see some lighthouses, but we were so sandy (and i was wet) that we were miserable--bad planning on our part, I suppose. We headed to lunch near Hatteras and then turned around and went back to our B&B to get ready for the evening. We went to dinner at a cute little restaurant, where I was able to get the crab legs I had been craving since we arrived. After dinner, we headed back to our room to have a bottle of wine and retired for the night. Sunday, the weather was dreary and getting chilly, so we just decided to check out and head home. My family was having a birthday celebration that night anyway, so we went back to Cary and watched football for a little while before going to Durham. As always, fun times were had at the family gathering, and we played a really exciting game of Catchphrase. It's a family favorite. :)
I've finally gotten into the swing of things at school, being able to get everything done in time and keeping up with my online classes. We're midway through the semester, and right now I have all A's and B's. It's a good feeling knowing that I may make Dean's list again this semester. My goal is to graduate Cum Laude, but I'm not sure if I can pull my GPA from a 3.26 to a 3.5 in one semester. We'll see what happens! Midterms are this week and next week, so it's going to be a week of studying. I'm back to subbing in ABSS, and I've already picked up 6 days this month. It's my only source of income right now, since I'm no longer hosting at Tobacco Road. I'm in the process of applying for big girl jobs, finally!!!! I'm really hoping I can find one and start in January. Keeping my fingers crossed and praying every day.
This weekend was a fairly slow but exciting one. Friday night we didn't really do anything, I've been sort of under the weather this week anyway. We've gotten into a workout routine where we work out 3 times a week, which is really nice. I can already see the definition in my muscles forming. Saturday, I took sissy and her best friend Ashleigh to the Fox 50 Family Fest on the American Tobacco campus in Durham. We had a lot of fun running around and acting like kids again. We posed for pictures with the duck, met Greg Fishel, got to pet a skunk and an alligator, decorated a rubber duck, and made unicorn horns. All the money that
was raised went to a good cause. I donated mine to the Duke Children's Hospital. After I brought them back home, I headed back to Cary to watch football with boyfriend and then we headed to Raleigh for the Sugarland concert! We had made plans to go when we first heard about it, but then we decided with the beach trip and Zach's impending vacation this week, we weren't going to go, in order to save money. However, I managed to score two lawn tickets for $40 from a friend of mine. I couldn't pass them up. Thanks Lindsey!!!! It was Zach's first time at Walnut Creek; I've probably been 4 or 5 times in my childhood. Little Big Town and Sugarland put on a really great show--Jennifer Nettles is so animated in everything she does. We made a game of pointing out people that were doing amusing things...and boy were there a lot of them.
This morning was the day I've been dreading all week--the day that Zach left for vacation. I dropped him off at the airport this morning and I've been a big baby ever since. He's going to visit family--and although I hope he has a good time and enjoys time with his family, I miss him already! He'll come home on Saturday night just in time for me to get home from Katy's baby shower to pick him up from the airport. We've already been apart for a week once while I went to Vegas, but we had been dating for less than 2 weeks at that time so things were different. It's going to be a long week, but I'll stop whining and put my big girl pants on now. We celebrate our quarter of a year anniversary on Wednesday--it sounds like we've been together a lot longer than 3 months when you put it that way. Time is flying by! We've now been together longer than I have days until graduation (I'm a dork, I know).
Now it's time settle in for the night--I've got the Amazing Race and Desperate Housewives to watch, and then I have to get up at the crack of dawn in the morning. I'm subbing in 4th grade tomorrow. Toodles!
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