Wednesday, May 25, 2011

What I'm Loving...

I'm finally getting the hang of remembering to blog more than every once in a blue moon!'s my first What I'm Loving Wednesdays link-up!

I'm loving the fact that there are only 12 days of school left...even if 4 of them are make-up testing days for my pickles.

I'm loving that this weekend is a long weekend

I'm loving that I discovered decaf, sugar free, nonfat frappuccinos at Starbucks.

I'm loving this weather we're having (even if it is 94 degrees in May!)

I'm loving that MTV is showing Teen Mom AND 16 and Pregnant tonight

I'm loving the new season of the Bachelorette!

and most of all...

I'm loving my sweet sweet boyfriend who puts up with and loves me with his whole heart on a daily basis despite my crabby moods and stress lately!

So today started operation "less sugar"...I've gained a little more weight than I would have liked in the last month and I decided that it's time to do something about it! After I had my coffee this morning, I decided that it was time to cut way back on the sugar. Teacher appreciation week did me in this month but here goes nothin!

Day 1: 
Turned down donughts...twice!
Went to Target and got a decaf, sugar free, nonfat cinnamon dolce frappuccino... maybe this isn't as bad as I thought it would be!
Stay tuned :)

1 comment:

  1. You are loving some great things today! Hope that your Wednesday was fabulous!
