Friday, July 20, 2012


Dear Friday, please be good to me. This is my last "free" Friday before school starts back. Dear Wisdom Teeth, enjoy your time left in my mouth. Next Friday you'll be history! Dear Netflix, thanks for fueling my addiction to Law and Order. Dear New York City, I miss you already. I'll be back soon, I promise!! Dear pets, please stop fighting. I would hate to have to put you in your separate kennels. Dear computer, please stop being silly. We all know you aren't ready to die. Come polka dotted computers NEVER die! Dear sugar cravings, please, please, please go away. I'm trying really hard to change my body and you aren't helping. Dear fiance, thanks for being so wonderful, even when I'm moody. I love you to the moon and back! Dear glasses, I know I'm supposed to wear you, but it's just so hard to remember to keep putting you on and taking you off. Can you just put yourself on my face when it's time? Thanks. Dear classroom and wedding, I have lots of brilliant ideas for you--but i'm not so sure I can make them work. I am not creative nor do I have tons of extra time to do these things. Dear Pinterest, you are the cause of those brilliant ideas. Damn you! Stop being so awesome. Dear summertime, please don't leave me. We haven't spent nearly enough time together.

With all my love (or not so much),

This weekend will be the first time in four weeks that we will be home all weekend with no's an understatement to say that I'm really freaking excited about it. Summer is swiftly coming to an end...I'll be in MI for work on Tues-Thurs this week, have my wisdom teeth out on Friday, and the next week (my last free week of summer) I desperately need to get into my classroom to work. THERE ARE SO MANY THINGS swimming in my head right now. I can't even deal.

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