Thursday, October 13, 2011

It's Okay

Today is Thursday...which means I'm linking up with Neely for It's Okay Thursday!

It's okay... be irrationally excited about girls' night tomorrow night drool over THIS hunk that you have floor seats for tomorrow night
(that's Luke Bryan, by the way) wear the same shirt tomorrow night that you're wearing today because you'll be around different people want to wear the new boots you bought last weekend because they're really cute, even though they hurt like WOAH plan NOT to go into work this weekend because you have better things to do just want to spend time with boyfriend all evening and not grade papers not make your lesson plans for tutoring until about 5 minutes before your group arrives be annoyed with the cheerleading practice that is going on RIGHT outside of your door
...and to leave earlier than you probably should because of said cheer practice

life. is. good

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