poor little bloggy. I'm so sorry that I've neglected you lately. I've been incredibly busy!
Work has practically taken over my entire life...teaching is a job that can be done 24 hours a day and STILL not be done. Every day I'm at school by 7:15, and don't leave until at least 4:30. Sometimes it's been as late at 6. I come home and continue to work more...whether it be grading, analyzing data, or planning lessons. Sometimes we decide to cook dinner, sometimes we don't. By the time 9 or 9:30 rolls around and bedtime comes, I'm exhausted. I'm usually at school either one or both days during the weekend, which takes time away from boyfriend and my family. But it's all worth it.
One day last week, a student came to my desk right before she walked out the door and said (unprompted)
"Thank you for helping me with my math today".
It put everything into perspective and made me realize why I do what I do.
When I'm not at school, we've been filling our weekends with friends and family. My cousin is about to have a little girl in a few weeks, and we attended a baby shower for her in September. We've also been to a few birthday parties, and found time to hang out with friends and watch football.

This morning, I decided that it was time to give the house a deep cleaning. I started by cleaning the kitchen, moved to the the bedroom and the bathrooms, and ended by vacuuming. I even convinced boyfriend to get rid of a few piles of papers so that I could move some of my things that are [still] in boxes to the gym and out of the living room. I feel accomplished! This evening, we're probably going to head to my mom's for dinner and to hang out...but for now, I think i'll go take a shower and enjoy this beautiful fall day (and football).
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