Thursday, October 18, 2012

It's Okay

Hayyyyy it's Thursday. And that means that tomorrow is Friday! 
Today it's ok...
to drink a glass of wine as soon as I  get home, before dinner is even ready.

to want to go to bed at 6:30pm.

to give the pets treats for no good reason at all (they might be spoiled...)

that I'm really hoping tomorrow goes by quickly so I can get on the road out of town!

to be depressed about the fact that I left my wallet AND your coffee cup at work...
(...tomorrow is Starbucks day, people. I'm screwed).

to think that my fiance really is some sort of a saint because he offered to pay for my weekly Starbucks day tomorrow.

to want to tutor the same 10 kids all day every day, not just on Thursdays. Like for real. I want that to be my job.

and finally...
it's ok to be absolutely exhausted and feel like a zombie.
In the past 3 days I've worked 34 hours and only slept 15. 
Home girl is about to go to bed around 7pm tonight.
No lies.

Happy Friday Eve!

Wednesday, October 10, 2012


Happy Wednesday! It's rare for me to be able to link up during the morning--but I'm under strict instructions from my doctor not to go back to work today or to talk/whisper for the next 24 hours. Should be fun. I've had this crud for 6 days now and  I'm pretty glad to finally have some medicine!

I'm loving that the fall weather is finally here! I've been able to wrap up in a sweater and put my boots on the last few days.

I'm loving that finally, after 8 weeks of school, my kiddos and I are finally getting into our groove. I've squashed [hopefully] most of my behavior issues and gotten my schedule under control!

I'm loving that our wedding is only 11.5 months away...I'm sure they'll fly by!

I'm loving that although I don't feel great, I was able to enjoy drinking my coffee and talking to Z this morning without having to rush out the door.

I'm loving that I can finally see things clearly with my new's been interesting having to adjust to wearing them all the time but I can certainly see better.

And of course I'm loving my wonderful husband to be!

 I'm going to go lounge now and take full advantage of my doctor-forced day off of work. :)

Wednesday, October 3, 2012

I'm alive.

I promise. I'm still alive. Work and planning this wedding have taken OVER my life! I barely have any time to breathe, let alone to blog!

As of tomorrow, we will have been engaged for 3 months. We've made some good progress in those 90 days. Here's what we've already done:

  • Chosen a date (September 28, 2013) and a venue (River Landing)
  • I  went dress shopping and said YES to the dress!
  • A dear friend of ours has offered to be our wedding planner.
  • We have chosen our cupcakes (Gigi's)...I'm not a fan of cake, so I wanted cupcakes!
  • We have our engagement pictures this weekend. So excited that this lady will be taking them!
Our Next Steps:
  • Find bridesmaids dresses
  • Find and book a photographer and a  DJ
  • Honeymoon plans!
I think we're doing pretty well for still being 11.5 months away from "I Do"! I will be working full time until June, when I take some time off next school year to put finishing touches on the big day. We also have plans to move to California some time in the next few years, so our newlywed lives will be up in the air!

Work is going well--we're finally in the swing of things and into our routine. The first quarter is almost over--we start conferences next week! I love all of my kiddos, even though they drive me crazy some days.

That's about it for us right I said, work and wedding.
I'm hoping to start updating that we've tackled most of the big wedding things! :)
