Thursday, September 16, 2010

Weekly Update...

Oh, Thursday. This week is flying by, and I don't need it to. I have to take my Praxis at 7:30 Saturday morning...and I'm scared to death. Everybody tells me not to worry, but I can't help but have it in the back of my mind. buhhhhhh.

This week has been weird. I had to work Monday night, so that threw off my usual sleep schedule as to where I stay. I had lunch with Zach on Monday before I had to work, and then stayed at home that I swapped Tuesday out and stayed with him :)
I've been really emotional this week, too. Sometimes I hate being a woman. ugh. Hopefully once all this stress goes away I'll be back to normal. My sleep schedule will go back to normal next week, even though I have to work Friday night. I'm not closing so I should get out pretty early. 

We went to the mall last night--I had to have a new pair of shoes for work since SOMEBODY'S dog chewed mine up...i'm not calling anybody out though. hehe. It was a successful trip, I got new shoes and two new bras. I love spending time with Zach. He brings out the best in me and makes me smile constantly. Life is good.

Not really much to say...and I need to be paying attention in class, I have a test next week. We'll see how that goes.


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