Wednesday, October 10, 2012


Happy Wednesday! It's rare for me to be able to link up during the morning--but I'm under strict instructions from my doctor not to go back to work today or to talk/whisper for the next 24 hours. Should be fun. I've had this crud for 6 days now and  I'm pretty glad to finally have some medicine!

I'm loving that the fall weather is finally here! I've been able to wrap up in a sweater and put my boots on the last few days.

I'm loving that finally, after 8 weeks of school, my kiddos and I are finally getting into our groove. I've squashed [hopefully] most of my behavior issues and gotten my schedule under control!

I'm loving that our wedding is only 11.5 months away...I'm sure they'll fly by!

I'm loving that although I don't feel great, I was able to enjoy drinking my coffee and talking to Z this morning without having to rush out the door.

I'm loving that I can finally see things clearly with my new's been interesting having to adjust to wearing them all the time but I can certainly see better.

And of course I'm loving my wonderful husband to be!

 I'm going to go lounge now and take full advantage of my doctor-forced day off of work. :)


  1. love the fall weather and outfits!

    Hope you're having a great day! stop by and say hello! :)

  2. I'm loving the fall/sweater/boot weather too!

  3. I think everyone's enjoying fall! Found you on the WILW link up and I'm a new follower :)

